Friday, September 2, 2011


     So it seems like whenever there is anything interesting in my life to post about, I never have the time to actually do it! So this will be another long catch-up post.  I gave my notice for my job as the Logan/Ogden RISE supervisor in the beginning of August, and my last day was the 16th.  Colin and I drove home for some family time before we left, but on our way home, we still hadn't received our orders! We finally got them on the 17th, but we were in California and had the WORST time trying to contact anyone who could help us figure them out.  We called Hill for a week and a half trying to figure out what to do, and finally got a hold of people who could help us figure out how to ship our baggage(the first thing the list said to do).  We were supposed to leave the states to be in Germany by the 7th, but the TMO(Transportation Management Office) couldn't ship us until the 8-10th.  This meant I was going to have to stay behind and ship everything myself :( Anyway, we filled out all the paperwork for that, but still had heard no word from anyone in Germany.  We needed someone over there to book us a room at the TLF(Temp. Lodging Facility) and get us a PO box so we could have a forwarding address.  We sent emails to everyone we could think of, and finally the people at the spouse's club over there got my email and forwarded it to Colin's commander's wife.  They told us that AFPC(Air Force Personnel Center) hadn't even told them we were coming! And then they gave us some awful news...I wasn't on his orders!
     We freaked out for a few minutes, then found out that all I had to do was get medically cleared.  The process sounded really difficult, but ended up not being too bad.  I made a physical and dental appointment, then had to be interviewed by a doctor, a case worker, and I think the other woman was a psychologist...  I passed, and then just had to get added to the orders. They told us that then we had to take it to MPF(Military Personnel Flight), but they were closed until tomorrow morning.
     So the next day, we drove down to Hill again (its an hour and a half drive) to get me put on the orders so we could send them to everyone who needed them, get me a flight, get my stuff shipped, and get TLF over there for both of us (not just Colin).  We got there and they told us they couldn't even do it!  They sent us back up to Logan to go to his Detachment up there.  From there they went all the way to AFPC, who both cut orders and gave us a cushy extension! So now I can go too, and we don't have to leave until the 30th of Sept!  Yay!  The movers are coming to pick up our unaccompanied baggage (the stuff that will get there first) on the 8th, and the HHG(Household Goods, basically everything else) will be picked up on the 26 and 27th.  Whew!  We have flights made for the 30th, and a sponsor on the other side in Germany who will be setting everything up on his side.  So everything worked out great, even if it was confusing and frustrating at first!  It also means we have a few more weeks without any pay and without a whole lot to do, other than get ready for the movers.  I'm already getting anxious and ready to be over there!

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