the only one I had was in bunt form... also ignore the spillage, I'm a messy baker
I know no one who reads this probably ever had reason to try these Trader Joes beauties, but in case you decide you want some, here is the recipe I coordinated from various food websites and made my own. I only used 3 eggs, because I cook mainly for 1 or 2 around here, so it didn't even make a whole pan worth, but you can easily make however many you want.3 eggs
1/4 cup sour cream
1/4 tsp paprika
1/4 tsp cayenne
pepper jack cheese (i just sprinkled however much I wanted in the bowl, so it depends on your taste)
3 tbsp rotel ( I used the lime/cilantro version)
mix it all together, and pour into a silicone baking pan that has been sprayed with pam. cook at 375 for 25 min. pull it out and you have southwest crust-less quiches. Using the same base of egg and sour cream, you can add basically whatever you want to make the quiche you prefer, be it broccoli and cheese, pepper and mushroom, ect. Perfect breakfast. and you can save them in the freezer and re-heat them! I'm so excited. I'm going to go eat more!