Monday, March 5, 2012


A lot has happened since my last post.  Every time I post I say I need to do it more frequently.  What I think I'm going to do this time is space out my posts.  I have a lot to write and so I'm going to do a few posts over the next couple of days.  It has been so long I don't even remember what I have and haven't said.

February was a good month around here.  I started taking dance classes at Grace studio, which has been really nice.  I also now have 3 callings, Librarian, RS teacher, and Family History Center assistant director.  I've volunteered to help with the spouse's club bazaar as a historian, helping take pictures and record the event.  And we got a new computer, which I'm using right now!  We needed two computers for when Colin goes away for trainings and whatnot so we can keep in touch, and so I can use one while he's doing his schoolwork. His last semester for a while (because of said trainings) will be done next week, though, which means it won't be such a big problem.

February also means Valentines, and we had a nice, relaxing one over here.  Colin surprised me with a trip to the Canary Islands for later on in the month (which I discovered early due to bank statements :P) so we just had a nice dinner at home.  We made some salmon together and just enjoyed spending time together.

Over here in Germany instead of Mardi Gras, they have Fasching.  Fasching happenes the days before Ash Wednesday, and everyone dresses in crazy outfits.  They have a parade, throw candy, vote on a Fasching Queen, and shout "Ralau".  The men of the town wear funny jester's hats, and it's a huge event.  We went to the one in Ramstein village, and there were so many people there.  The train would pull up to the station and people dressed in costumes would rush out.  They played music, people danced and sang and got drunk.  The ladies next to us put face paint and steamers on a police officer.  We didn't dress up this year because we didn't know what we were getting into, but we will next year for sure!

people getting off the train

german cheerleaders

i think these were some kind of town officials

the 86th float

all the people at fasching

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