Monday, November 21, 2011

The Weekend

Hey all!  Nothing too big to post this week so far.  We had some fun going to the Temple in Frankfurt, but forgot our camera :(  Luckily the Ward has a temple trip every month for the English sessions, so come next month you can see the outside.  Or if you're feeling ambitious you can just google it!  It was really nice.  After that we went to a flea market in Frankfurt.  It was huge, and I could have spent hours there, but sadly (sad if you're me, excited if you're Colin) we got there 30 minutes before closing.  I did have time to buy one Christmas gift there, which is good.  I've got to buy them all soon, or they'll never get home until after new years.  Anyway, that was really all we did this Saturday.  We came home so I could finish writing my talk for church the next day and just relaxed.

In other good news that some of you might already be aware of, all our Household Goods are coming on the 23rd!! I'm not sure if I posted it on facebook or in the last blog, but I'm super excited to have all my stuff again.  The Air Force has been really good to us, letting us borrow beds and couches and pots and pans, but there is nothing like your own belongings to make you feel at home.  Sadly, it also means we have to find a place for everything and our house will be CRAZY for a while.  We're going to have to buy more dressers and closets for all my clothing... We've got some thanksgiving plans with friends in the area, which is nice.  It should be a good time.  Anyway, that's life for us.  I'll let you know if anything big goes down.  Like all of our stuff was destroyed by the movers... I'm really worried about that one

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