Sunday, August 7, 2011

Things you've missed

So, I figured that a lot happened before we started this blog, and someone out there might enjoy the things that happened in our pre-blog life.  So I am going to backtrack a bit here.  Starting with the awesome Logan Tabernacle.  We had stake conference there a few months ago and it was pretty neat.  It has been restored beautifully  really keeping the look and feel of the original, and most likely 3/4 of the things inside are still original   Apparently they have someone come and hand paint the ceiling so it looks like it did back int eh day when it starts to fade.  which is pretty cool.  Except I forgot to take pix of the ceiling... anyway, this is what it looks like on the outside:
and this is the inside: 
 I thought it was pretty exciting.
Another fun thing we have done recently was on a trip back to Logan from seeing family, we stopped for the night at Las Vegas.  I had never done more than drive through and found it to be a strange mixture of people and things.  There were some fun things though.  We saw the fountain show at the Bellagio, The Pirate show at Treasure Island, and went to the top of the stratosphere at night, which is where this picture was taken.
 We also have gotten a few new treasures since arriving here, my personal favorite being this sofa that we bought from a neighbor in our ward when she moved.  I think its beautiful.
 Colin's favorite thing we have bought since moving here is our giant fish tank, which my mother has been kind enough to say she will take when we move to Germany, since I'm pretty sure fish wouldn't survive the journey well.  We've got two in this tank, a giant goldfish and a sucker fish.  We also have two betas, one that was mine when I had an office, it was the day program's pet, and they named it Fred, the other that was Colin's before we got the big tank, and its name is Kobe.  Well, Kobe the Second.  Kobe the first jumped from his tank in the middle of the night.  Colin found him in the morning, but it was too late :(

We've done a couple of really fun things since getting here, but managed not to really get any pictures of them.  We went to Lagoon, the amusement/water park about an hour away 2 Wednesdays ago because my work had discount tickets.  They have some really fun roller coasters, and while we were there the power went out.  We've also gone to Bear Lake, and on the way stopped in Logan canyon at Rick's Spring.  These are the pictures of us there:
 This is the actual spring
 colin climbed up the rocks to get on top and then helped me up
 this picture is sideways... I didn't turn it before putting it up, sorry :)
 and these are the wildflowers we picked on our way home.  You can see our giant fishy in the corner.  His name is sherbet, like the frozen ice cream stuff.
Anyway, all that, along with a lot of working for me, has pretty much been our life for a while.  My last day of work is on the 16th, and then hopefully we'll be home for a while.  It all depends on when the TMO office can move us though.  I'm getting pretty excited about them packing everything for us.  We've helped with so many moves while in our ward up here, it's nice to know that we wont have to worry about lugging things up and down the stairs.  There will be people who will do that for us :)  We don't know anything for sure though, we're still waiting on orders...